If you've just invested in a wig, good for you! Wigs can be a lot of fun to wear whether you're donning one to hide thinning hair or just to change up your look. That being said, the first thing you'll need to know is how to take care of your wig properly and there are several things to consider if you want it to always look as great as it did the day you bought it.
You'll need to know about curling the wig, drying it, keeping it protected from the sun, which kind of wig needs what kind of cleaning, how do you style it or brush it and more. Following are just a few of the basics you'll need to know regarding how to care for a wig properly.
You will not need special hair care products for natural wigs care – products that you use for your natural hair (normal hair) will fit for human hair wigs care.
Wig preparation (brushing)
Put a wig on a special wig stand.
Gently spread out hair bundles with your fingers.
Gently brush wig’s hair with rare-tooth comb or fingers. Do not touch a wig cap. Brush from hair ends in the direction of hair roots.
Wig washing
You should consider washing your wig around the tenth time you wear it. This recommendation will vary depending on just how dirty your wig gets or the kind of venues you are wearing it to. Where you go and what you do, including weather conditions and how much you perspire will weigh heavily on how often you clean it.
Human hair wigs and synthetic wigs both should be washed at about the same frequency however the way in which you cleanse them will be vastly different.
Human hair wigs need to be detangled rinsed in cold water and then massaged with shampoo much like real hair. You'll need to make sure that the shampoo is lathered in evenly throughout the whole wig. When you are finished, rinse the hair and make sure the water flows in the same direction throughout the wig so it doesn't get tangled. When you are done with a full rinse you can gently dry it with a towel and condition the wig. Follow by rinsing in the same manner, dry with a towel lightly and allow it to air dry for the next day.
Wig nourishment
If you want to have silky and shiny wig’s hair, use hair balsam.
Also use hair conditioner – rinse onto hair or soak in cool water for 15-30 mins. You can leave unwashed conditioner on hair.
Wig drying
Put the soaking wig in a soft loopy towel and gently drain, but not wring.
Wet wig can be dried by hairdryer or left to dry on a towel in room temperature. The latter drying way is much better.
Wig holding and protection
Hold the wig far from heating devices, open fire and other high temperature sources.
If you wear the wig daily, hold it on a special wig stand or model.
If you wear the wig rarely, completely dry wig could be kept in paper box or package